Monday, January 30, 2006

Passionate Preaching

I am a huge fan of the Passion movement, led by Louie Giglio. I love the preaching, the music by Tomlin, Crowder, Hall, Redman and many more. Most of all, I love their desire to reach college students with the message of Christ.

Last week, the first "bundle" from Passion 2006 was released on iTunes and of course, I purchased it the day it came out. I would suggest everyone get it. It's geared towards college kids, but applies to us adults as well. It had two songs and one of Louie's messages from the weekend. I've listened to the message a couple of times now, and it is built around Colossians 3:17:

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." (NIV)

I love the simplicity of the message as he talks about how we, as Christians, should impact the world around us. He says we don't have to be preachers, or Sunday School teachers, or missionaries, etc. to impact our little universe that God has placed us in. We can be retailers, computer guys, fast food workers, CEOs, whatever - the point is that the light of Christ MUST shine through us - through our actions and through our speech - so that we can engage others when they ask us about why we're "different." And whatever you do...


At 8:31 AM, Blogger Terry said...

Good message bro...I might take Louie up on that memorize Colossians thing. Also, I'd like to hear that message if you don't mind!


At 12:45 PM, Blogger Andy said...

Sure thing...I'll get it to you soon! It was even better and more challenging the second time around...

At 9:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even though I was "resting" in the car while you were listening to this message, I did hear quite a bit of it. It really hit home about "WHATEVER you do..." Sometimes we minimalize the role we have in being Christ-like, just because we're not in "ministry." I can't remember which former preacher said it, but he said something about those of us "in the world" can actually have a better chance of witnessing to others and changing lives than those directly in ministry, mainly because we're out there with non-Christians on a daily basis. We can have a great effect on others IF we 'do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus.' I know that I don't do every part of my current job (whether in word, my attitude, or deed) according to what God would have me to do, and I should. It is a great challenge, and one we should not take lightly. Thanks for sharing your CD with me...we'll have to listen to it again! =) -sarah


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